Lifestyle Medicine Conference: Confirmed Speaker – Dr Nitu Bajekal

Dr Nitu Bajekal, MD is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in London, UK with nearly 40 years of clinical experience in women’s health. Her special interests include Lifestyle Medicine, Menopause, PCOS, Endometriosis, period problems, complex vulval problems and medical education. She is a keyhole surgeon with experience in laparoscopic procedures including robotics.

She is a Fellow of the Royal College and recipient of the Indian President’s Gold medal. Dr Bajekal is one of the first board-certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians in the UK. She has written the women’s health module for the first UK plant-based nutrition course at Winchester University. She has co-authored the women’s health chapter for an academic book for health professionals (Plant Based Nutrition in Clinical Practice, Sep 2022).  She has been a speaker at Holistic Holiday at Sea (HHAS), speaking on menopause, PCOS and women’s health issues and lectured extensively all over the world.

Dr Bajekal is passionate about educating women, providing reliable medical and lifestyle information for the general public, doctors, workplaces, and schools. She runs a voluntary service set up to educate, energise and empower schoolgirls and women to make lifestyle choices to help improve their own and their families’ health.  Dr Bajekal has an extensive website with free fact sheets on various women’s health issues and on lifestyle medicine.