I have been practicing as a GP for 24 years. I am currently working two sessions a week in a Practice in Birmingham. I started my career in safeguarding in 2014 as a “Safeguarding Champion” for Birmingham Cross City CCG. I became one of the Named GPs for Birmingham and Solihull CCG Safeguarding team in 2018 and I currently do 5 sessions a week. As part of this role I have responsibility for the Learning and Development programme in Birmingham and Solihull and have therefore been very active in providing training for all Primary Care Staff- clinical and non- clinical. I design bespoke presentations depending on the audience and their safeguarding learning requirements. I am also a Clinical Educator for the IRISi Domestic abuse programme which is a collaboration between Primary Care and Women’s Aid in the UK and a trainer for Prevent (radicalisation). I understand the learning needs of Primary Care Staff through conducting Safeguarding reviews into adult and child deaths and cases of neglect.
My other interests and skills in safeguarding include being a WRAP Trainer (Workshop for Raising Awareness on Prevent) since 2017, Right Help Right Time Trainer, and I am trained to provide Supervision. I also conduct Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews
I am a member of the Primary Care Safeguarding Forum and of the National Network of Named GPs and I am part of the Birmingham Children in Care Team.