It is now possible to record a patient whose illness is in remission by entering one of the ‘in remission’ Read Codes. The patient will remain on the register but will be excluded from MH10-MH16 inclusive.

What constitutes ‘remission’ from serious mental illness can be found on page 21 of the Quality and Outcome Framework guidance book

The following codes are available:

Mental Health, new codes CTV 3 Version 2
Schizophrenia in remission E1005 E1005
Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission E1015 E1015
Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission E1015 E1015
Paranoid schizophrenia in remission E1035 E1035
Latent schizophrenia in remission E1055 E1055
Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission E1075 E1075
Single manic episode in full remission E1106 E1106
Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission E1116 E1116
Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, in full remission E1146 E1146


Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, in full remission E1156 E1156
[X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission Eu317 Eu317
Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission E1166 E1166
Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission E1176 E1176
[X]Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis, psychosis in remission XaX53 Eu329
[X]Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis, psychosis in remission     XaX54 Eu32A
[X]Nonorganic psychosis in remission XaX52 Eu26.
[X]Paranoid state in remission XaX51 Eu223







If the therapeutic range is acceptable for the patient you should code the patient with the following code:

44W80  Lithium level therapeutic

This Read Code for both Version 2 and CTV 3 Read Codes


There are exception codes that can be added to the patient’s record but this will remove them from the indicator. The indicator is about prevention of secondary fragility fractures. Unfortunately the two patients on the register both refusing the bone sparing agents, would be removed and the indicator will again be zero for achievement. The patient needs to have had a prescription printed in the last six months of the QOF year (1st October onwards). If the patient has had a script since the 1st October 2018 then you would have achieved the indicator.

There was a criteria change for the fragility fracture for the 75yrs and over  in 2014/15. The fragility fracture has to have occurred on or after 1st April 2014. See criteria below:


The register is split in to two, the 50-74 year olds and the 75 and over.


For the 50-74 years the patient would require

  • A diagnosis at any point in their history of osteoporosis
  • A DEXA scan at any point in their history confirming diagnosis
  • A fragility fracture after the 1st April 2012.


For the 75yrs and over they only require

  • A diagnosis at any point in their history of osteoporosis
  • A fragility fracture after the 1st April 2014.


Most elderly people with a fracture in this age group are considered to be a fragility fractures so for the upper age I would do a fracture search and look at those the Hospital have started on the meds such as the calcium and vitamin supplements and discuss with the GP.


Your first step should be:


  • Look at all the fractures that have happened after the 1st April 2012. If you have admin staff coding they may not have coded them correctly. The codes required are:

CTV3                                      Version 2

XaNSP                                   N331N

XaIIp                                      N331M


Look at those who have been started on a supplement by the hospital after a fracture.

Once you have ensured the code is correct for the patients fracture  you may need to look back in their history and check a QOF code has been used for the DEXA, as it is at any time in the patients history (If we turn the clock back ten years we used generic codes for diagnostic tests so you may find a DEXA recorded incorrectly)

A number of practices have also found the osteoporosis was not coded just the scan.

Looking at QOF the majority practices have managed to identify patients, the average range is between 1 – 14 patients. I spoke to a practice with 11000 patients yesterday and they have 2 patients. The hardest is ensuring the coding is correct for fractures. This is where the admin staff needs clinical input as not all fragility fractures are clear on the discharge letters.


A fragility fracture is when a fracture is sustained as a result of low trauma or lesser force such as a fall from a standing height. It includes vertebral fractures but usually not fractures of the skull or bones of the hand or feet. For example:

Slipping and breaking a hip is worth investigating depending on the surface / weight of person etc. A break from a very minor event such as turning an ankle, coughing and cracking a rib would almost certainly be included


The register is split in to two, the 50-74 year olds and the 75 and over.

For the 50-74 years the patient would require

  • A diagnosis at any point in their history of osteoporosis
  • A DEXA scan at any point in their history confirming diagnosis
  • A fragility fracture after the 1st April 2012.


For the 75yrs and over they only require a fragility fracture after the 1st April 2012. Most elderly people with a fracture in this age group are considered to be a fragility fractures so for the upper age I would do a fracture search and look at those the Hospital have started on the meds such as the calcium and vitamin supplements and discuss with the GP.

Your first step should be:

  • Look at all the fractures that have happened after the 1st April 2012. If you have admin staff coding they may not have coded them correctly. The codes required are:

CTV3                                      Version 2

XaNSP                                   N331N

XaIIp                                      N331M



  • Look at those who have been started on a supplement by the hospital after a fracture.
  • Once you have ensured the code is correct for the patients fracture  you may need to look back in their history and check a QOF code has been used for the DEXA, as it is at any time in the patients history (If we turn the clock back ten years we used generic codes for diagnostic tests so you may find a DEXA recorded incorrectly)
  • A number of practices have also found the osteoporosis was not coded just the scan.

Looking at QOF the majority practices have managed to identify patients, the average range is between 1 – 14 patients. I spoke to a practice with 11000 patients yesterday and they have 2 patients. The hardest is ensuring the coding is correct for fractures. This is where the admin staff need clinical input as not all fragility fractures are clear on the discharge letters.

It is only looking at the newly diagnosed patients as it is about secondary prevention of further fractures.


You need to record each of the follow for the patient to appear on the register.

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

DEXA Scan confirming the diagnosis

Fragility fracture

Overleaf are the QOF Clusters for each of the areas:


Version 2 ( EMIS, Vision, Microtest and Torex)


CTV3 (SystmOne)
Fragility fracture N331N XaNSP
Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis N331M XaIIp
DEXA Scan Codes without a value
Forearm DXA scan result osteoporotic 58E4. XaITM
Heel DXA scan result osteoporotic 58EA. XaITR
Hip DXA scan result osteoporotic 58EG. XaITW
Femoral neck DEXA scan result osteoporotic 58EV. XaITb
DXA scan result with a T score value
Forearm DXA scan T score 58E2. XaITK
Heel DXA scan T score 58E8. XaITP
Hip DXA scan T score 58EE. XaITU
Lumbar spine DXA scan T score 58EK. XaITZ
Femoral neck DEXA scan T score 58ES. XaPDy


Diagnostic Codes
Osteoporosis N330.

(Excluding N3305, N3307, N3308, N3309, N330A, N330D)

Primary osteoporosis Xa0AZ
Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture N3312 N3312
Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture N3313
Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture N3316
Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae N3318
Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae N3319
Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae N331A
Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture N331B
Postmenopausal osteoporosis N3302
Collapse of cervical vertebra due to osteoporosis N331H
Collapse of lumbar vertebra due to osteoporosis N331J XaD4I
Collapse of thoracic vertebra due to osteoporosis N331K XaD4J
Collapse of vertebra due to osteoporosis NOS N331L
Fragility fracture due to unspecified osteoporosis N331M XaIIp
[X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture NyuB0
[X]Other osteoporosis NyuB1
[X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture NyuB8
Senile osteoporosis N3301
Idiopathic generalised osteoporosis N3303
Idiopathic osteoporosis in pregnancy X70As
Adult idiopathic generalised osteoporosis X70At









Diagnosis Codes continued Version 2 ( EMIS, Vision, Microtest and Torex) CTV3 (SystmOne)
Postoophorectomy osteoporosis N3306
Localised disuse osteoporosis XE1GA
Osteoporosis, unspecified N3300
Osteoporosis NOS N330z
Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture N3313
Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture N3316
Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture N331B
[X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture NyuB0
[X]Other osteoporosis NyuB1
[X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture NyuB8
Osteoporosis localised to spine XaC12





There are 6 points but for 3 you need to enter a ‘yes’ to having regular meeting to discuss the patients -MDT meeting etc. On CQRS if you are unsure how to manually enter the 4 ‘yes’ answers that are required across three areas: palliative, cytology and smoking. The CQRS/GPES help file can be found on this website under EHS.




Yes, the Business Rules were written using SNOMED codes, as discussed at the original training session there are Read codes that will sit within the QOF clusters that do not belong there. NHS Digital  Business Rules team are aware of this and are working hard to sort out the coding issues before the final release which will be used for end of year 18/19.

The issues so far area:

  • Post-concussion syndrome – showing on the Dementia Register and showing the need for a Dementia care review. The SNOMED code it is picking up is 492615014, this will be removed from the cluster
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis – showing on the Rheumatoid Arthritis register showing the registers indicator alerts. The SNOMED code it is picking up is 9631008, this will be removed from the cluster
  • Fragility Fracture – showing in the Osteoporosis diagnosis cluster putting patients on the register due to having a fracture alone

Please let me know if you discover any other coding issues, we can share the information which will save staff unnecessary time investigating why


The exception codes for LVD were removed from the business rules when changes were made to the rules confirming Diagnosis of HF due to LVD a couple of years ago (see question below)

The exception codes are as follows:

XaMJ9   Exception reporting: heart failure quality indicators

XaMJB   Excepted from heart failure quality indicators: Informed dissent

XaMJA   Excepted from heart failure quality indicators: Patient unsuitable

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